Workreap - WordPress Freelance Marketplace
WP Guppy - A live chat plugin compatible with workreap WP Guppy - A live chat plugin compatible with workreap Workreap theme is compatible with WP Guppy - A live chat plugin compatible with workreap. Please make sure if you are using latest version of theme and plugins 2.3.4 Yo ...
Hide menu item from left or top user dashboard menu Hide menu item from left or top user dashboard menu In the latest release 2.3.4 we have added the options to hide the top and left menus. By default, we hide some menus from the left and show them in the top menus. Same fo ...
How to change site icon You can change the site Icon from WordPress settings Appearance > Customize > Site Identity
How milestone jobs works How milestone jobs worksDuring the job posting employer can select options either this Project is milestone based or normalIf employer have selected milestone based, then after create employer can see it in jobs listing. Now ...
How to change "from email name" in WordPress How to change "from email name" in WordPress By default, wp_email function sends emails from [email protected] Use our theme settings You can rename the name and email from Theme Settings > Email Settings Use ...
How to Update Theme, When New Update release How to Update Theme, When New Update release Please download the latest version of the theme package from Please go to your download section at themeforest and then download theme files : And then you ...
Developer Guide Developer Guide Filters to add or remove items from dropdown There are no options to include new fields in the below mentioned fields from Theme Settings, however you can use filter in child theme to include new items in th ...
WordPress 5.8 widgets area issue WordPress 5.8 widgets area issue In WordPress 5.8 widget area of Unyson has been deprecated, if you would use the Unyson plugin sidebar then please try to install and activate the Classic Widget plugin ...
How to hire a freelancer and complete the project How to hire a freelancer and complete the project
How to start a conversation in workreap How to start a conversation in workreap Only employers can start the conversation from the freelancer detail page by clicking the button "Send offer" and then they can go to inbox and check the ongoing chats
How to create users from backend To create users from back-end. Admin > Users > Add New User When you will select role Employer or Freelancer then it will create a profile in the back-end As well.
How to set commission in Workreap How to set commission in Workreap There are 3 types of commission in the workreap FixedPercentageTiers Now in the tiers, the admin can set fixed or percentage depends upon the project cost. 1) This can be done from Theme ...
How to use elementor page builder in workreap theme You can check this video guide how to use elementor page builder for the pages
Page Speed Speed depends upon many things like your server speed, items being loaded on the page, images, and third-party scripts. To increase page speed you can use any cache plugins OR ...
Users Verification Process Users Verification Process Admin can enable either user should be verified by email or by admin. If the admin set it to by email then users will get an email with a verification link and they can verify them If set as admin ...
Why there is no ongoing service or project on hiring Why there is no ongoing service or project on hiring We have used WooCommerce for the packages and hiring process and have used below the hook woocommerce_payment_complete Once any payment arrived successfully then above ...
How to change currency and formatting How to change currency Admin can change the currency from WooCommerce settings page
How to setup CRON job for payouts and notifications How to setup CRON job First of install the Workreap CRON plugin and then we need to set cron job interval to run the cron job as "once a monthly, once a weekly or once a day" in admin > Appearance > Theme Settings > Payment ...
How to translate or rename strings in theme and plugins How to translate or rename strings in theme and plugins This plugin can be used either for Translations into a different language or to change any string without changing the language. Like if your site has the English langu ...
Google Map API KEY Very Important Please note: There can be a google map API key in demo contents. We suggest you to change google map API key before use our theme and google maps. Also please note, you must enable the billing for your Goog ...
How to delete or remove report freelancers, jobs, employers and services from How to delete or remove report freelancers, jobs, employers and services fromAdmin can hide report freelancers, jobs, employers and services form from Theme Settings > Directory Settings > General Settings
Social Connect[ Facebook, LinkedIn and Google ] Settings Social Connect[ Facebook and Google ] Settings Please enable the social logins from the Theme Settings Please note to use Social Login you should install latest version of theme and plugin( workreap_core ) Google Sett ...
How to complete a job How to complete a job Employers can complete the job by going to Ongoing Jobs section and then click View Details button to go on history page and then go to View History Button and you will see the history page where you ca ...
How to Install Workreap WordPress Theme You can access the detailed guide for the Workreap theme here: you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to create a support ticket.
How to create Mega Menu in Workreap How to create Mega Menu in Workreap To use mega menu, please install mega menu extension first. Go to Unyson > Download Mega Menu extension Then go to Appearance > Menus and create your menus MegaMenu from
Server Requirements Below are the server requirements for the theme The PHP version should be 7.4(PHP 8.0 is not tested offically with our theme)PHP Zip extension Should be Installedmax_execution_time = 300max_input_time = 300memory_limit =� ...
How to extend Elementor shortcode Extend Elementor shortcode Create folder extend/elementor/shortcodes in child theme and copy the shortcode file from Wrokreap_Core/elementor/shortcodes to this folder. e.g to extend the to-freelancer shortcode.
Funds Withdraw Request Funds Withdraw Request Freelancers can send a request for the funds withdrawal. From their dashboard freelancers can select payment gateway and also payment to withdraw. On new request admin will receive an email for ...
How to add Post a Job or Post a Service link in Main Menu How to add Post a Job or Post a Service Button in Main Menu Now you can create button in main menu 1. To Create Post a Service, please add below in Custom Link URL Area #post_service_button# 2. To Create Post a Job, pl ...
How to extend plugin functionality in theme How to extend plugin functionality in theme Please follow steps how to extend plugin functionality into the theme. Create a folder in child theme with name extend and then copy the shortcodes and hooks folder from plu ...
Import demo pages separately We have demo content for all the pages. Please don't try to import demo content because it will erase your current data. So backup files and database before import the demo data. Or import demo data on the staging site and ...
How to change placeholder images Hi, Thank you for contacting us There are some images coming from the elementor page builder, some of them are coming from the pages, posts, taxonomies, theme settings etc. You must edit pages, posts, taxonomies, theme set ...
How to remove Native APP Link How to remove Native APP Link Admin can remove/disable from Appearance > Theme Settings > General Settings > APP Link
What is the difference in project expiry and project deadline date What is the difference between project expiry and project deadline date Project expiry: This means when the project will expire and the freelancer will not be able to apply on the project Project deadline: This means that ...
Hiring Settings Hiring Settings First of all please enable the hiring from Theme Settings. Then go to Product/Packages section and create a hiring product for payments. Please make sure you have checked the Hire Freelancer. Then set t ...
How to create a login page in workreap How to create a login page 1) Create a page with a login shortcode 2) Assign Login page in Theme Settings 3) Please note login type should be as pages in Theme Settings 4) You are ready now Please check below video g ...
Unyson plugin issue with WordPress 5.5, and how to resolve Unyson plugin issue with WordPress 5.5, and how to resolve Please try to delete unyson plugin and install this one Well this issue ...
Geo location not working Geo location not working Geo Location works on secure origin. Please install SSL on your domain. Or ask you hosting and domain provider ...
How to override shortcodes of workreap theme in elementor in child theme How to override shortcodes of workreap theme in elementor in child themeTo edit any shortcode of our theme for elementor page builder, you can copy shortcode file from workreap_core plugin and then add into child theme. Below ...
Preview Images Are Not Included in Theme Package! Important Note : Please note that demo images are not part of our theme and these are not included in the theme package. These are just for our demo purpose. We have also mentioned this on our item detail page. If you hav ...
How Payouts Works How Payouts Works Freelances can select their withdraw method, Please note freelancers should have write their payout account details to get all the earnings. If freelancer will leave empty details then system will not cr ...
How to change Currency How to change Currency Currency Can be change from Woo Commerce Settings Go to WooCommerce > Settings and select the currency
What is profile health and how it does work in workreap What is profile health and how it does work in workreapProfile health were introduce in release 1.7.3 version. It includes 6 steps and admin can include from them or exclude them.Fields to include1) Tagline2) Description3) Id ...
How to translate "Home" word in breadcrumbs How to translate "Home" word in breadcrumbs You can go to Unyson > Extensions > Breadcrumbs
Why WooCommerce doesn't update package or hiring statuses once used PayPal Why WooCommerce doesn't update package or hiring statuses once used PayPal We have used WooCommerce for the packages and hiring process and have used the below hooks Hook: woocommerce_payment_completeFunction: $order->payme ...
How to enable real-time chat *****************************************************************************************************************How to enable real-time chat Please note real-time chat will only work if your server does support node.js and ...
Front-end Dashboard Access Admin can't access dashboard from front-end. Dashboard is only accessible for Employers and Freelancers from front-end. Please make sure you have logged in via Employers or Freelancers account. If you will login with adm ...
How offline payments would works When payments are enabled with WooCommerce First, please log in as admin and go to Theme Settings > Payments Settings and then select the Enable Payments This means that you are using WooCommerce checkout process and ...
How to change title bar banners How to change title bar bannersYou can add banner from each page settings. It is title bar settings of each page and default could be set from Theme SettingsDefault Settings
Why freelancers not showing Why freelancers not showing Can you please make sure if two filters are not enabled in Theme Settings 1) Show freelancers if have avatar 2) Show freelancer if specific profile health
How to setup page templates How to setup page templates You need to setup below template pages. 1. Search Projects2. Search Freelancers3. Search Employers4. Search Services5. Dashboard6. Proposal Page First of all you need to create a page for exam ...
How to change dashboard icon images How to change dashboard icon images You can download icons from this site Please go to Appearance > Theme Settings > Directory Settings > Images Settings here you can change the icon images
How to setup trial packages How to setup trial packages Admin can setup a trial package for new users. This trial package will be assigned to new registered users on the site. This package will be assigned automatically. Also users will not see an ...
Why email took time to arrive or not working Why email is not working Please make sure if emails are not in spams or junks folders. Why email took time to arrive Email delay(arrival to the inbox) could be due to any reason. First of all, this could be your email cont ...
How to enable or disable switch user in workreap How to remove switch Account Settings from dashboard Please go to Theme Settings > Directory Settings
How do credits of freelancers work How do credits of freelancers workWhen user will subscribe to a package then freelancer would get Credit to apply on the jobs. Admin can set how many number of credits required to bid on the projects.Let say freelancer have 6 ...
How to hide search results for visitors and show a banner How to hide search results for visitors and show a banner You can enable or disable to show a specific number of posts and then show a banner from Theme Settings > Search Settings > Search Filters > Hide search result ...
"Help & Support" works in workreap? Help and support section can be enabled from the back-end Theme Settings > Directory Settings > Help Settings This will send an email to the admin, please make sure if you have added the email address in the email temp ...
Demo Content Import issue with LiteSpeed webservers Demo Content Import issue with LiteSpeed webservers For LightSpeed servers you need to add below line of code in .htaccess files RewriteEngine On RewriteRule .* - [E=noconntimeout:1] You can read more about LightSpeed ...
How admin can enable either jobs posting or service posting or both How admin can enable either jobs posting or service posting or both Admin can enable either site would be like upwork where only employers can post jobs and freelancers can bid on these jobs or like fiverr where only freelan ...
System Access Type Either Free or Paid users System Access Type Either Free or Paid usersAdmin can set from Theme Settings > General Settings > Directory Settings > System Access type Please select only one of the options.1) In "Paid Listings for both" means both emplo ...
How to use AtomChat into Workreap Theme How to use AtomChat into Workreap Theme AtomChat is not part of the theme, this is optional chat integration 1) Please install the AtomChat plugin and then subscribe to a package. You need to buy AtomChat Go Plan https:/ ...
How to change slug for custom post types How to change slug for custom post types This can be changed from Workreap > Settings Please note, WordPress has some reserved words and you can't use those like category It ...
How to verify freelancers identity documents How to verify freelancers identity documents. This feature was added in release 1.6.2, so please update both theme and plugins to get it work. You can also disable from Theme Settings > Directory Settings
How to enable send service quote and how it works How to enable sending service quotes and how it worksYou can enable the send service quote options from Theme Settings > Directory Settings > Services Settings Once activated then all the employers who contacted the freelan ...
Assign menu location On some servers due to max execution time or memory limit, menus will display the below screenshot. This happens when during demo content import, the system doesn't assign the menu location to the menus.What you have to do is ...
How to create a messenger page with WP Guppy How to create a messenger page with WP GuppyAdmin can create a message page with WP Guppy plugin. We have Elementor & WP Bakery Page builder compatibility as well as the shortcode options to create the messenger page
Workreap: Services search layout Workreap: Services search layoutWe have 3 services layout and settings can be enabled fromTheme Settings > Directory Settings > Services Settings > Services layout
Why there is no ongoing service or project on hiring Why there is no ongoing service or project on hiring We have used WooCommerce for the packages and hiring process and have used below the hook woocommerce_payment_complete Once any payment arrived successfully then the a ...
How to change dashboard icon images How to change dashboard icon images Please go to Theme Settings > Directory Settings and Dashboard Settings section here you can change the icon images
How to enable real time chat experience with WP Guppy How to enable real time chat experience with WP Guppy We have used Pusher Channel API for the real-time experience You just need to create a channel api and add this into WP Guppy https://wp-gu ...
How to add login or registration button into elementor menu How to add login or registration button into elementor menuAs you are using elementor, so you can drag shortcode for login or registration
How to setup MailChimp for the newsletters in one of the footer We are using the MailChimp and you must add the Mailchimp API and then select the list where you want to subscribe your users Get API key From Get API KEYYou can create a list here
How to import the users from back-end by using excel file How to import the users from back-end by using excel file Admin can import the Freelancers and Employersin bulk by using excel file Here is a sample file for the users
How to hide departments from the registration page How to hide departments from the registration page Admin can disable the departments and employees section from the registration page, filters and from the dashboardTheme Settings > Directory Settings > Company Settings Th ...
How to enable social media account Admin can enable the social media profiles for both types of users from the back-endTheme Settings > Social Profile SettingsAnd then users will be able to add social links from front-end
How to install Workreap REST API Plugin How to install Workreap REST API Plugin You can download latest API plugin in our theme by going to Appearance > Install Plugins Or you can download it directly from This URL ...
Why WooCommerce doesn't update package or bookings once PayPal is used Why WooCommerce doesn't update package or bookings once PayPal is used We have used WooCommerce for the packages and bookings process and have used below hooks woocommerce_payment_complete$order->payment_complete(). M ...
How to change currency and formatting How to change currency Admin can change the currency from WooCommerce settings page
How to Update Theme, When New Update release How to Update Theme, When New Update release Please download latest version of theme package from Please go to your download section at themeforest and then download theme files : And then you need to ...
How to extend Workreap templates into child theme How to extend Workreap templates into the child theme Please create a folder in child theme with the name extend then copy any file or folder from the workreap templates folder and paste it into extend folder in your child ...
ModSecurity and Theme Settings saving trigger 403 Errors ModSecurity and Theme Settings saving trigger 403 Errors If while saving the Theme Settings, your server is throwing the 403 error then this means that your server is blocking the request. So you must consult with your host ...
WooCommerce order data storage To set up compatible WooCommerce order table settings for Workreap, please follow the instructions below: Navigate to WP Admin > WooCommerce > Settings. Go to the Advanced tab. Select Features from the submenu. Set the ...
Workreap OpenAI In order to connect OpenAI into workreap, Log in to OpenAI, follow these steps to generate and use your API key: Navigate to the OpenAI API Keys page:Click on this link: OpenAI API Keys.Generate an API Key:On the API Keys p ...
Why some WooCommerce payment gateway doesn't complete the booking or hiring process We have used WooCommerce for the packages and booking process and have used the below hooks Hook: woocommerce_payment_completeFunction: $order->payment_complete() Any gateways that default status goes to On Hold or Pen ...
How to translate WP Guppy How to translate WP Guppy You can change any string from the WP Guppy > Translation or you can also use the loco translate plugin to find the strings and replace them with your own strings ...
Why email took time to arrive or not working Why email took time to arrive or not working 1) Why email are not working Please make sure if emails are not in spams or junks folders. 2) Why email took time to arrive Email delay(arrival to the inbox) could be due to ma ...
Dashboard Access Admin can't access dashboard from front-end. Dashboard is only accessible for Doctors,Hospitals and Patients or regular user from front-end. Please make sure you have logged in viaDoctors, Hospitals and Patients or regu ...
How to hide menu items from both left and top menu How to hide menu items from both left and top menuAdmin can hide menu items from Theme Settings > Directory Settings
Hourly rate settings for freelancers Hourly rate settings for freelancers Admin can enable to show/hide the hourly rate for freelancers. Theme Settings > Directory Settings > Freelancers Settings And then freelancers can also hide show this from their das ...
Start chatting with a specific user on the messenger page Start chatting with a specific user on the messenger page You may create a messenger page and then you can open the link below to start a chat with a specific user ch ...
Server requirements Below are the server requirements for the theme The PHP version should be 7.4(PHP 8.0 is not tested officially with our plugin/theme)PHP Zip extension Should be Installedmax_execution_time = 300max_input_time = 300memory_ ...