
Plugin: Tuturn - Online Tuition & Tutor Marketplace WordPress Plugin

How to Radius search work in the Tuturn How to Radius search work in the TuturnPlease note, Radius search will only work if the instructor has added the location with latitude and longitude in their profile. Also when searching, you must select the location from wh ...

How the tutors can send request for the funds withdrawal How tutors can send requests for the fund's withdrawalAll the booking payments will go to the admin account. After the deduction of commission(if enabled) earning will show on earning page.Tutors can send requests to the admi ...

How to restrict to specific country How to restrict to a specific country Admin can enable the country restriction from the WooCommerce Country Settings This will only show one country in the listing 

Server requirements Below are the server requirements for the theme The PHP version should be 7.4(PHP 8.0 is not tested officially with our plugin/theme)PHP Zip extension Should be Installedmax_execution_time = 300max_input_time = 300memory_ ...

How to translate or rename the string in Tuturn Theme How to translate Tuturn Theme/Plugin ""Please note, check translations in both Theme and WordPress Tuturn plugin" You can use the Loco Translate plugin to translate the Tuturn theme/plugin to any language or to update/chang ...

How to make free or paid users How to make free or paid usersAdmin can enable paid or free users(Tutor and Student) An appointment button will appear if the Tutor has purchased a plan in case of paid users

What are Volunteer hours log and how to enable or disable that What are  Volunteer hours log and how to enable or disable thatIt is just an hour's log for the students and the tutors and nothing else. You can also disable that So tutors can add hours and images for each log etcStudents ...

How to enable the get started button in Tuturn How to enable the get started button in TuturnYOu can enable or disable the Get Started button from Appearance > Menus 

How to make zipcode optional in Tuturn How to make zipcode optional in TuturnAdmin can make the Zipcode optional from Tuturn Settings > API Settings > Zipcode validation

How to create packages in Tuturn How to create packages in Tuturn Admin can create subscription packages for the tutors as well as for the students from the back-end in WooCommerce productsAdmin can enable the packages for each type or user  For the Tu ...

Why email took time to arrive or not working Why email is not working Please make sure if emails are not in spams or junks folders. Why email took time to arrive Email delay(arrival to the inbox) could be due to any reason. First of all, this could be your email cont ...

Why some WooCommerce payment gateway doesn't complete the booking or hiring process We have used WooCommerce for the packages and booking process and have used the below hooks Hook: woocommerce_payment_completeFunction: $order->payment_complete() Any gateways that default status goes to On Hold or Pen ...

Tuturn: Identity verification work flow Identity verification workflowAdmin can enable the identity verification for both types of users or one of the user types or hide for bothAdmin can also enable the parent consent email for student verification.Once admin enab ...

Tututn: How to eneable to disable Username and Phone in registration form How to enable to disable Username and Phone in the registration formYou can enable it from Theme Settings > Directory Settings 

How to change currency and formatting How to change currency Admin can change the currency from WooCommerce settings page

Google Map API Key Very Important Please note: There can be a Google Maps API key in demo contents. We suggest you to change the Google Maps API key before using our theme and google maps.  Also please note, that you must enable the billin ...

How the payouts works in the Tuturn How the payouts work in the Tuturn Payouts are not automated. When the user books tuition then all the payments go to the admin account and when the tutor sends a funds withdrawal request to withdraw the payment then the ad ...

How to create booking product in WooCommerce How to create booking products in WooCommerce For the bookings or purchase package, you must create a service type product on the back-end That price will be updated to the package or booking price during the purchase pro ...

Tuturn plugin base theme For "Tuturn" plugin you can use the "Tuteur" as a base theme. To download a theme, please click herePlease note this is optional and this is not required to run our Tuturn plugin

Template structure & Overriding templates via a theme Tuturn template files contain the markup and template structure for the front end of your site. Template files can be found within the /plugins/tuturn/templates/ directory: How to Edit Files: Copy the template into a dir ...

Learn more about Tuturn Learn more about Tuturn You can check some useful articles herehttps://amentotech.ticksy.com/articles/100019217/and some video guide here

How to change slugs for the tutor and student in Tuturn You can You can change the Instructor and student post type slug from Settings > Permalinks 

How to change currency and formatting How to change currency Admin can change the currency from WooCommerce settings page

Tuturn: How funds widthdraw work How funds widthdraw work in tuturn theme/plugin Admin can setup the minimum amount that can be withdrawn from the accountOn the front-end Tutor will see the dashboard for earningsAdmin will pay the tutors manually and update ...

Why slots are showing while time is passed or leave review buttons doesn't show Why slots are showing while time is passed or leave review buttons doesn't showIf time slots are shown while time is already passed as per your country time or as a student button is not showing to leave a review while time i ...

Google Map API Key Very Important Please note: There can be a Google Maps API key in demo contents. We suggest you change the Google Maps API key before using our plugin and google maps.  Also please note, you must enable the billing for you ...

Why email took time to arrive or not working Why email took time to arrive or not working 1) Why email are not working Please make sure if emails are not in spams or junks folders. 2) Why email took time to arrive Email delay(arrival to the inbox) could be due to ma ...