Servento – A service finder and business listing WordPress plugin
Why email took time to arrive or not working Why email took time to arrive or not working 1) Why email are not working Please make sure if emails are not in spams or junks folders. 2) Why email took time to arrive Email delay(arrival to the inbox) could be due to ma ...
How to change currency and formatting How to change currency Admin can change the currency from WooCommerce settings page
JWT Authentication JWT Authentication While using our plugin you need to make sure that your hosting service enabled the Authorization header because we are using JWT for authentication that needs an authorization header, if your hosting se ...
How to translate or rename strings in plugin How to translate or rename strings in plugin Loco translate plugin can be used either for Translations into a different language or to change any string without changing the language. Like if your site has the English langua ...
The base theme for servento plugin(optional) The base theme for servento plugin(optional)Please note that this theme is optional and our plugin can work with any other themehttps://amentotech.com/themes/expertio.zip
JWT Authentication JWT Authentication While using our plugin you need to make sure that your hosting service enabled the Authorization header because we are using JWT for authentication that needs an authorization header, if your hosting se ...
How to change currency and formatting How to change currency Admin can change the currency from WooCommerce settings page
Servento providers withdraw earnings From the provider dashboard "My earnings" tab user needs to add payout details according to the payment plan.For the default withdrawal method user need to check the radio button.Withdraw:
Why some WooCommerce payment gateway doesn't complete the booking or hiring process We have used WooCommerce for the packages and booking process and have used the below hooks Hook: woocommerce_payment_completeFunction: $order->payment_complete() Any gateways that default status goes to On Hold or Pen ...
Paid or free users in the servento Paid or free users in the servento plugin Admin can allow the free or paid profiles. When packages are enabled then providers have to buy a package to get full access to the profile like gallery upload or business hours Whe ...
Servento add categories and services How to add provider services:You need to add services in different categories after login in as a provider from the provider profile. Once services will be added in categories, they will be displayed at the front of the searc ...
Why email took time to arrive or not working Why email is not working Please make sure if emails are not in spams or junks folders. Why email took time to arrive Email delay(arrival to the inbox) could be due to any reason. First of all, this could be your email cont ...
Servento plugin template structure & Overriding templates via a theme Servento template files contain the markup and template structure for the front end of your site. Template files can be found within the /plugins/servento/templates/ directory: How to Edit Files: Copy the template into ...
Servento detailed instructions about payments and commissions. Enable Packages and Bookings:From Servento settings -> Package settings enable package for providers, and seekers and enable booking option for users.Providers and seekers purchase packages, and payments go to the administrat ...
Server requirements Below are the server requirements for the theme The PHP version should be 7.4(PHP 8.0 is not tested officially with our plugin/theme)PHP Zip extension Should be Installedmax_execution_time = 300max_input_time = 300memory_ ...