Taskbot - A freelancer marketplace fiverr and upwork clone WordPress plugin
Import demo pages separately We have demo content for all the pages. Please don't try to import demo content because it will erase your current data. So backup files and database before import the demo data. Or import demo data on the staging site and ...
How to install and import demo contents in taskbot How to install and import demo contents in taskbot
Why some WooCommerce payment gateway doesn't complete the booking or hiring process We have used WooCommerce for the packages and booking process and have used the below hooks Hook: woocommerce_payment_completeFunction: $order->payment_complete() Any gateways that default status goes to On Hold or Pen ...
Taskbot: Color settings YOu can change colors from Plugin Settings
Learn more about Taskbot Learn more about Taskbot You can learn more about Taskbot - WordPress plugin here All the articles: https://amentotech.ticksy.com/articles/100018863 or check the video guide here
How to restrict to specific country How to restrict to a specific countryAdmin can enable the country restriction from the WooCommerce Country SettingsThis will only show one country in the listing
Why email took time to arrive or not working Why email took time to arrive or not working 1) Why email are not working Please make sure if emails are not in spams or junks folders. 2) Why email took time to arrive Email delay(arrival to the inbox) could be due to ma ...
How Payouts Works How Payouts Works The seller can select their withdrawal method, Please note sellers should have written their payout account details to get all the earnings. If sellers will leave empty details then the system will not c ...
How to install Taskbot/Tasklay REST API Plugin How to install Tasklay REST API Plugin You can download the latest API plugin in our theme by going to Appearance > Install Plugins Or you can download it directly from This URL http://amentotech.com/autoupdate/taskbot/ta ...
How to translate or rename strings in theme and plugins You can use Loco Translate plugin to translate Taskbot plugin to any language or to update/change any text in the plugin. -- Install loco translate plugin -- Please note: For translations, your WordPress should have selecte ...
How to extend Taskbot templates into child theme How to extend Taskbot templates into child themeWe have created a templates folder in the taskbot plugin. You can copy any template files from that folder and paste them into the child themePlease create a folder in child the ...
How to create product for the wallet
How does the commission system work in Taskbot How does the commission system work in TaskbotThis is a predefined task base marketplace where sellers can create multiple tasks and that task can be purchased by the buyers. Admin can set up commission percentage from the P ...
Enable to add custom field on task creation for seller To enable the Task custom field for the seller, You need to go to Taskbot settings > Directories settings > Task settings and then enable the custom field option and set the maximum limit for the seller to add the custom fiel ...
How the post a task work in Taskbot How the post a task work in Taskbot
How to add custom fields for the task pricing
Why email took time to arrive or not working Why email is not working Please make sure if emails are not in spams or junks folders. Why email took time to arrive Email delay(arrival to the inbox) could be due to any reason. First of all, this could be your email cont ...
Google Map API KEY Very Important Please note: There can be a Google Maps API key in demo contents. We suggest you change the Google Maps API key before using our plugin and google maps. Also please note, you must enable the billing for y ...
How to setup Google social login in Taskbot How to setup Google social login in Taskbot
How does credit system work in Taskbot How does the credit system work in Taskbot Admin can setup credits in the seller packages to apply to the projectsAnd admin can setup the credits required to submit on the proposal
Taskbot: User ID and Email verification verification Taskbot: User ID and Email verification verification Email Verification: Admin can enable the email verification by email or by admin approval Admin can setup email template from Taskbot Settings > Email Settings > Ad ...
Funds Withdraw Request Funds Withdraw Request The seller can send a request for the fund's withdrawal. From their dashboard earning menu can select payment gateway and also payment to withdraw. On new request, admin will receive an email ...
Taskup theme for the Taskbot plugin(optional) Taskup theme for the Taskbot plugin(optional) You can use the below theme with the Taskbot plugin as well. This is optional and our plugin will work with any theme https://amentotech.com/themes/taskup.zip This child theme ...
Allow the task to publish directly or approve by admin Allow the task to publish directly or approve by adminAdmin can enable either task will be approved by admin or will be published directly Taskbot Settings > Directory Settings > Task Settings
How to create template pages and then configure in Plugin Settings How to create template pages and then configure in Plugin Settings You must create pages and then assign templates and then select those pages into plugin settings
Create and buy package Create and buy package
How to make zipcode optional in Taskbot How to make zipcode optional in TaskbotYou can make this optional from Taskbot Settings > API Settings
Taskbot: how to setup send custom offer Taskbot: how to setup send a custom offer Please make sure if you have purchased the Taskbot addon - Customized task offer and activated on your site and then create a page and assign the Add offer template Once the p ...
How to enable short names in Taskbot How to enable short names in TaskbotAdmin can enable the short names from Taskbot Settings > Directory Settings
How to Update Theme, When New Update release Please download latest version of taskbot package from Please go to your download section at themeforest and then download theme files : And then you need to make sure that: -- You have taken a complete backup of your ...
Taskbot: How you can enable paid or free users Taskbot: How you can enable paid or free users Admin can enable the listing for free or paid from Taskbot SettingsThis means buyers will be able to create projects for free and sellers will be able to post services for free ...
How to change currency and formatting How to change currency Admin can change the currency from WooCommerce settings page
How to setup CRON Job to make unfeatured task if featured date as expired How to setup CRON Job to make unfeatured task if featured date as expired You can also use this plugin to run CRON manually https://wordpress.org/plugins/advanced-cron-manager/ Below is the hook that can be added to setup ...
Server requirements Below are the server requirements for the theme The PHP version should be 7.4(PHP 8.0 is not tested officially with our plugin/theme)PHP Zip extension Should be Installedmax_execution_time = 300max_input_time = 300memory_ ...
Taskbot: How to enable projects or task or both modules Taskbot: How to enable projects or task or both modulesYou can go to Taskbot Settings > Directory Setting > Application Access