What is profile health and how it does work in workreap
What is profile health and how it does work in workreap
Profile health were introduce in release 1.7.3 version. It includes 6 steps and admin can include from them or exclude them.
Fields to include
1) Tagline
2) Description
3) Identity Verification
4) Profile Picture
5) Experience
6) Skills
Please select what you want to include for Profile health, please add percentage, please make sure total percentage should be 100. Like if you select two fields then it could be
50 + 50 or 30 + 70 or what ever you want to add.
Admin can enable to show the profile health on freelancers profiles. This is basically to attract employer and get hires.
Admin can also set minimum percentage if user profile health less than to admin given percentage then user will not show in search listing.
For previous freelancers, you have to update profile health. So you can update from Theme Settings > Profile Health. Just click on link and it will update the all freelancers.