Why email took time to arrive or not working
Why email are not working
There are couple of issues could be for email which are not being sent. Please make sure if you have added From Email in Theme Settings > Email Settings > From Email Settings

This should be your server email address or you can try with your personal email address as well.
Or please make sure if emails are not in spams or junks folders.
Why email took time to arrive
Email delay(arrival to the inbox) could be due to many reason. First of all this could be your email content. Some email providers like gmail take time to read content and decide either put it to spam or in inbox.
So your content should be strong, and don't write such kind of content which could be a suspicious.
Secondly This could be due to your server and from email. We have from email settings on the back-end. It could be your domain email or your personal email.
You can try with gmail, it would come arrive early than your domain host email address etc.
This not related to theme because when any event trigger then it send email because php functions runs.
For testing purpose you can install this plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins/email-log/
When your click it will trigger an email and you can see on the back-end.