Why WooCommerce doesn't update package or hiring statuses once used PayPal
Why WooCommerce doesn't update package or hiring statuses once used PayPal
We have used WooCommerce for the packages and hiring process and have used the below hooks
- Hook: woocommerce_payment_complete
- Function: $order->payment_complete().
Most payment methods use the above hook and function to process the order.
Any gateways that default status goes to On Hold or Pending Payment instead of Processing will not process the order against packages update or hiring.
You may try the PayPal Express Checkout plugin and it should work. You can check documentation here https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/paypal-standard/
Since WooCommerce version 5.5.0, PayPal Standard is hidden for new installations. This change doesn’t affect existing stores. We strongly encourage everyone using PayPal standard to use the recommended PayPal Payments extension instead, which is our full-stack solution (credit card processing, PayPal checkout, subscriptions, pay later options, etc).
For this, you also contact PayPal about this situation. To make sure of this, you can try to use Stripe Credit card payments plugin, which sends the status processing and all the functions of our theme seem to be working fine.