How to brand your Application?

1- Change the App display name:

For Android:

Goto ApplicationName/android/src/main/values/strings.xml

For Ios:

You need Xcode to change display name for IOS. Follow this image.

2- Change BaseUrl of the Application with your own Url:

Goto src/Constants/constant.js file and replace BaseUrl with your URL.

3- Change the colour scheme of the Application:

Goto src/Constants/constant.js file and replace primary colour with your desired colour.

4- Change the Package Name fo the Application:

For Android:

Goto yourApp/android/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml ,  yourApp/android/src/main/java/  , yourApp/android/src/main/java/ and change the package name there.

For Ios:

Goto Xcode and change package name there: